Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Tomb of the Unknowns

The Tomb of the Unknowns - What an emotional experience!  Students were in awe of these sentinels in charge of guarding the Tomb 24 hours a day.  Everything these men do is precise and with a purpose.  Our group got to watch the Changing of the Guard in addition to the wreath presentation.  The guards change every half hour in the summer.

The wreath laying ceremony was something to experience.  Ethan and Sarah got to go down to visit where the sentinels live under the tomb.  We then received special instructions on what to do.  The guard will call attention to the 600+ people watching the presentation and explain how dignified the ceremony is.  The guard introduces Everts MS and the wreath laying party is escorted down the steps in sync with the cadence of the accompanying guard.  Ethan and Sarah got to present the wreath, the soldier played Taps on the trumpet, and the group was led back up the steps by the guard.  The ceremony might seem simple but it was powerfully symbolic.

(Mr. B is shown giving advice to Ethan and Sarah before the wreath presentation in the pic below.) 


Unknown said...

The changing of the guards is truly something that you will never forget no matter what age you are! It is one of the most emotional events that you could ever experience. Enjoy the rest of your trip! Be safe!

Unknown said...

What a fantastic ceremony! There is no way that you can describe it in video. You have to be there. Great job Ethan and Sarah!

Mrs. Sims said...

Next week, the task begins to prepare for Memorial Day at Arlington where flags are placed at each gravesite! Can you imagine? It is an amazing tribute.

Mr. B looks so nice helping the kids. What a great teacher! :)

Flowers are often left at gravesites or memorials in rememberance, but I was wondering if there was a special ceremony or event (anniversary) as I noticed bouquets were left at JFK's grave in the photo? (By your students or other guests?)
Very nice tribute and one my favorite stops on the DC trip to honor and pay tribute to those who have served our country.